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BBC News Review - videos to learn topical phrases 話題のフレーズを学ぶビデオ

Jul 16, 2024


The BBC has a lot of resources on its “Learning English” website. One of the best is this series of videos called “News Review”. 

BBC “Learning English” のサイトで多くのリソースを提供しています。その中でも特におすすめなのが、この“News Review”という一連のビデオです

Each of these short videos highlights recent news events, and examines the vocabulary used to describe them. It’s great for learning topical, up-to-date words and “buzzwords”. 

これらの短いビデオは、それぞれ最近のニュースイベントを取り上げ、それを説明するために使用される語彙を解説します。話題性のある最新の単語や “buzzwords”(「流行語」)を学ぶのに最適です。

If you want to be able to discuss the news with native speakers, I recommend checking out these videos. 


The topics may be complex, but the explanations are clear and gentle, meaning that these videos can be enjoyed by lower level learners.




If you are interested in watching English documentary videos and discussing them with a native teacher, why not try my Documentary Video Lessons?


I have videos for different levels of learners on a variety of topics.


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