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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Putao7 's Column



1. **增强免疫力**:苹果富含维生素C和其他抗氧化剂,这些成分有助于增强身体的免疫系统,对抗自由基,从而预防疾病。
2. **消化健康**:煮苹果水中的果胶成分在煮沸过程中释放,有助于平缓肠道,改善消化功能。果胶是一种溶解性纤维,可以帮助调节大肠的功能并减缓消化速度,对便秘或腹泻都有帮助。
3. **降低胆固醇**:苹果中的纤维素有助于降低体内的LDL胆固醇(坏胆固醇),从而帮助改善心血管健康。
4. **提供水分和电解质**:煮苹果水是一种低卡路里的饮品,除了提供水分外,还能提供电解质如钾,有助于维持神经和肌肉功能的正常运作。
5. **舒缓喉咙痛和咳嗽**:温热的煮苹果水可以舒缓喉咙,减轻由于感冒或咽喉炎引起的喉咙不适和咳嗽症状。
6. **天然的甜味**:苹果本身的甜味在煮的过程中会释放到水中,为那些希望减少糖分摄入但又想喝点甜饮料的人提供了天然而健康的选择。
英文翻译 (English Translation):
The main benefits of boiled apple water include:
1. **Boosting Immunity**: Apples are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants, which help enhance the body's immune system and combat free radicals, thereby preventing diseases.
2. **Digestive Health**: The pectin in boiled apple water, released during the boiling process, helps soothe the intestines and improve digestion. Pectin is a soluble fiber that helps regulate the function of the colon and slows digestion, beneficial for both constipation and diarrhea.
3. **Lowering Cholesterol**: The fiber in apples helps reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body, thus aiding in cardiovascular health.
4. **Hydration and Electrolytes**: Boiled apple water is a low-calorie beverage that not only provides hydration but also electrolytes like potassium, which help maintain normal nerve and muscle function.
5. **Soothing Throat Pain and Cough**: Warm boiled apple water can soothe the throat and relieve symptoms of throat discomfort and cough caused by colds or pharyngitis.
6. **Natural Sweetness**: The natural sweetness of apples is released into the water during boiling, offering a natural and healthy option for those looking to reduce sugar intake but still want to enjoy a sweet drink.
日文翻译 (Japanese Translation):
1. **免疫力の向上**:リンゴはビタミンCや他の抗酸化物質を豊富に含んでおり、これらの成分が体の免疫システムを強化し、フリーラジカルと戦い、病気の予防に役立ちます。
2. **消化の健康**:煮たりんご水のペクチンは煮沸過程で放出され、腸を
3. **コレステロールの低下**:リンゴの繊維が体内のLDLコレステロール(悪玉コレステロール)を減少させ、心血管の健康をサポートします。
4. **水分と電解質の供給**:煮りんご水は低カロリー飲料であり、水分を提供するだけでなく、神経や筋肉の機能を正常に保つのに役立つ電解質(例えば、カリウム)も提供します。
5. **のどの痛みと咳の緩和**:温かい煮りんご水はのどを和らげ、風邪や咽喉炎によるのどの不快感や咳の症状を軽減します。
6. **自然な甘味**:煮る過程でリンゴ自体の甘味が水に放出され、糖分摂取を減らしたいが甘い飲み物を楽しみたい人に自然で健康的な選択肢を提供します。


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