Is there a treat from your childhood days that fills you with plenty of good memories? Mine is this bite-sized frosted snack which I'm not really sure qualifies as a biscuit. As a child, I remember begging my Mum to buy me some "flower vase biscuits", a literal translation from Cantonese.
Bite-sized it may be, but never would I waste it by popping one whole in the mouth and be done with it. No .. no, I would choose one of each colour and line them up (I don't think I discerned floor or table). Then I would nibble away the biscuit around the crusty frosting. I end up with this crown of sugared twirl, which I then pop into my mouth and there in an instant crush, the rush of sugar fills my little self with all the forbidden delights that an adult knows too well to stay away from.
Perhaps my Mum should have held back on releasing these pastel coloured sugar bombs to me. I suspect she enjoyed them too as a little girl and how could she then deny me the pleasure. I did grow out of them and I did introduce them to my little niece and enjoyed watching her devour them. Now, it's just nostalgia for all things good that makes me pop one in the mouth.