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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Stephen Brivati 's Column

Aspects of My Favorite Seasons

Weekly Topic: Tell us 3 good aspects about your favorite season.

2022-11-14 | 1 Comments


 What are 3 good aspects of my  season?

In my case, two seasons are tied for first place: spring and autumn.  Like most people, summer is too hot for me and I don’t enjoy the cold of winter.

Spring is the season of rebirth, of new life.  Beautiful flowers emerge from the ground to replace the more somber colors of winter with heartwarming brilliance.  At the same time the morning sun is warmer and more compassionate so it becomes progressively easier to get up and greet the day with a smile. One’s early morning walk is no longer a duty, but rather a pleasure to be looked forward to.  There is an overall feeling that one has finished recharging one’s batteries during the winter sojourn and can once again enjoy life in a carefree mood.

In autumn we can enjoy a different kind of beauty as the leaves change color. Actually, we do have something similar in England, but the Japanese colors seem very sharp and clear to me.  Even as we enjoy this beauty there is a sense of the impending winter which can, from a metaphorical point of view, remind us that life is short and that we should keep our passing in mind in order to make us do our best everyday to make the most of the life we have been given.

Best Wishes,




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