Un tocco di stile alla tua vita.

Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Rubrica di Svitlana Deikalo


Sep 16, 2022

A goal is what we strive for, what we try to implement, and what we want to achieve. For some reason, there are impossible goals, but still, some people manage to achieve certain successes?! And this is because there are just wishes, that is, just dreams, and there are clearly realized and calculated goals. If dreams are only, so to speak, our wishes, then goals are consciously planned actions. And in order to achieve your dream, you need to plan your steps. A person's success is measured by completed tasks.

The purpose of this article is to teach you, dear friend, to clearly and victoriously go to the goal, to calculate the steps, to avoid failures - to achieve success every time.

What should be done about this

 Everything we get in life is in our minds. Everything depends on our thoughts. They are material, that is, we are able to literally create and receive something quite real that can be touched.

 So, here is a plan that can make any dream come true. Let's analyze step by step. We will record each step in a special "dream realization notebook".

 Step 1. We write down what we want to achieve. For example: "I have a good job that brings a lot of money and satisfaction." Definitely fun! Without it, there will be no money. But we definitely wish in the present tense. What is desired now is actually already there. "I wish I had..." will not work. For this of our desire, we set aside the first page, and write it beautifully with a marker.

 Now we must create a burning desire to achieve this. Without thirst, your dream will be just a dream. And it becomes a goal only when you specifically want it and when there is a thirst for the goal.

 How to cause such a desire?

 First of all, you need to dream of the main goal, for example, it will be material wealth. Next, we connect the imagination. In no case do not limit yourself to fantasy, no matter how far-fetched the dreams may seem. Draw a luxurious life in your notebook, yourself on a wonderful island, a yacht - anything that will give you an uplifted mood when the thought of a dream appears. You should not proceed to the second step until you are thirsty, because dreams will not come true.

Additional advice 1

 The more beautiful the notebook, notebook, or album, the better you will do. Let it be big - there will be many goals. It can be pasted over with cut-out pictures from magazines that will indicate the theme of desires: a beautiful house, a fancy car, an airplane, a boat, etc.

 Step 2. On the next page, we need to develop 100% confidence that we can achieve our goal and consolidate this confidence.

What to remember:

 1. Goals should be realistic. You should not wish, for example, that "I have a self-made tablecloth that gives food and a magic wand that fulfills wishes." This, of course, will not happen. Make sure you do well in the final exams - this will be your first step towards wealth. And it is possible to achieve this. And you will soon stop believing in an unrealistic goal.

 2. Plan the time to complete the goal. While you are studying, it is quite possible to get good knowledge (knowledge itself, not grades). Therefore, do not despair if you have problems with school teachers or if you do not manage to remember this or that material from any subject. Most likely, you simply do not need them. Take what you need from school. And be honest with yourself. If you are a sophomore in all subjects, maybe you should improve your knowledge, and study with tutors?!

Write down all your thoughts. We formulate everything in the present tense. We record each mini-step on paper: "I study additional English and improve my knowledge of English verb tenses for three months", "I rewrite test papers for a month", etc.

 You see, the goals are quite probable, real, you are now able to believe in them. This is the main thing at this stage.

 Additional advice 2

 Remember: what is not written down on paper will never come true, because it will be quickly forgotten! And you will return to what you have written from time to time and work on it. Usually, people do not write down their goals, thereby trying to save themselves from disappointment if the dream does not come true. This is really a defense mechanism. But the record is material, something that can be held, seen, recognized, smelled...Thus, thoughts are materialized. And not otherwise. Make it a rule to write everything down!

 Step 3. List the benefits that will appear to you if you achieve your goal. Write in points about what you want to achieve, why, and what you will have when you get it. Then any "what if", "what if not", or "what if" will not hinder you on the way to success.


 1. I make sentences well in different tenses. It gives me an advantage. In my future job, I correspond with foreigners.

 2. My level of knowledge in English is constantly increasing. My boss is taking me on a business trip. I visit different countries of the world.

 3. My boss promotes me in terms of career. My salary is increasing. I learn many interesting and new things.

 4. Now I know how to manage the translation department. I am opening my own translation center.

 5. Now I am a free person, independent

on from people and I do not experience financial difficulties.

 That's how, with the career ladder to your own business, you reach your goal: a good job and a lot of money. But this is not the end. Create another wish when you achieve it.

 Step 4. Determine the current state of your affairs. If you want to learn a foreign language, find out what level of knowledge you have. If you need to lose weight, see how much you weigh now. If you want to find a part-time job, analyze the offers in newspapers and on the Internet. Write down everything, all your steps, impressions, and results for further analysis: I didn't achieve something because of something...

Step 5. Set deadlines by which the goal must be achieved. This is subconscious programming. If you do not do this, then you will, of course, be calm, and confident that nothing will happen if you do not meet the deadline - therefore, you will not have to be disappointed. This is the same defense mechanism. Believe me, in this case, nothing will happen: the "carriage" will not move.

Don't be afraid to miss the deadline! It is better to do a little and be halfway than not to start at all, not to try... You are the master of your destiny. And you can postpone the deadlines. But the main thing is that they are!

 Additional advice 3

 Remember If your goal is long-term, one to five years, break it into mini-goals, they are easier to achieve, and together they will lead you to the main goal much faster.

Step 6. Analyze the obstacles on the way to your dream. Write everything down, in order of importance of this or that obstacle. Identify the most significant obstacle on your way. That's when you eliminate it, then you need to tackle another, a most essential one.


 You have to do the math. And you have problems with the teacher. And you know you won't make it. This is the most important obstacle. How do overcome it? You can change schools (this is a very radical step, but sometimes it is worth doing for the sake of your future career if there is no other way out), or you can go to the teacher and apologize for something you were wrong about - and the conflict will be exhausted. The main thing is the goal, and the means must sometimes be chosen, giving up something and not to one's advantage. This is life.

 Additional advice 4

 What to say to the teacher when you were wrong?

 - Maria Ivanovna! I realized that I was wrong when I argued with you. I ask your forgiveness. I hope you will not be angry with me. I want to master your subject, especially since I really need it, but I don't know how to approach you.

 By the way, you can write a letter. Just don't put it in your purse! They won't appreciate it, because it's ugly to mess with other people's things, even with good intentions.

Step 7. Make a list of people who can help you achieve your goal. It can be parents, friends, teachers, a boss at work, or other acquaintances. Do not forget that nothing can be obtained for free. If you don't help people, they will never help you either! And the first on this list of obligations is you! You are the first to do something good for a person: help your parents in the garden - they will sign you up for a tutor, do not leave your friend in a difficult moment - he will let you write, with the teacher a good day - he will show affection for you... Without good, there is no good!

 Now make a plan for how you will help someone. List the actions according to their importance. And remember, do the hardest thing?! Take action right away. No "after"!

 Step 8. Use the visualization method. Clearly and clearly imagine the picture of each result, as if it had already been obtained. Imagine the emotions that will overwhelm you. Remember them! Scroll through these moments in your imagination as often as possible. Imagine that you already have it. That's how you program yourself for sure success. So you become more confident in your actions. You will be surprised when changes will come to your life! Check it in practice!

 Step 9: Make up your mind to never give up on your goal. Write this in your notebook. You can make a contract with yourself: "I swear never to deviate from my dream path... Otherwise, I am an unreliable person if I give myself a word and cannot keep it." And it works. The main thing is your desire!

 This is not taught in school. Take knowledge, act! Who, if not you?!

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