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2022新年の抱負, 2021 達成された目標!

Weekly Topic: One goal you achieved in 2021 is…

Jan 2, 2022 | 6 Comments

Grammar & Vocabulary:
I used to... 
(When talking about a habit in the past, we usually use 'I used to') 過去の習慣や何度も起こったことについて話すときは、これを使用します。

plethora = a large amount of something (過多) 
despite = although (にもかかわらず)
despite + noun, S + V
despite + gerund, S + V
achieve = reach your goals (成し遂げる) 

deep = two meanings: 1- extending far down from the top  2- very intense  深い

Hello everyone!

I used to love having New Years Resolutions. I used to always write down a plethora of goals, 'I want to lose some weight, I want to go to the gym 5 times a week, I want to pass this exam, and etc.'  
But in 2021, I kept it simple. I had one very simple goal: be more physically active. 

I guess, despite the pandemic, I didn't do so bad! 

I did a lot of salsa dancing, walking, and I even went on the longest hike of my life (24 kilometres!) So, I'd say that I achieved my goal.

That's looking at the past. What about the future?

For this year, I have much deeper, mental goals:
I thought of three different traits or 'things'.

One that I already have but want more of, one that I want to remove from my life because it's not doing me any good, and one that I don't have but would like to add to my life. 

1. I want to increase: my patience
2. I want to remove: my self-doubt
3. I want to add: strength

Here's a short article I published about my self-reflection in detail, titled 'A Different Kind of New Years Resolution.'

What about you? Is there anything you want to increase to, add to, or remove from your life? Share your thoughts with me, and let's inspire each other!

Wishing you all a beautiful 2022, filled with love, health, laughter, and some learning :D

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