
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Rika Inami 講師のコラム

歌心 2 ...雪解の味

今週のテーマ: 春の食べ物と言えば



 秋田国際俳句ネットワーク 旧秋田国際俳句.川柳.短歌ネットワークの短歌ページに掲載して頂いている歌の多くを、私は掲載月の前月に詠った歌から選んでいる。今回の前月といえば、3月だ。冬には雪深い当地はまだ花の季節ではない。雪解(ゆきげ,雪消とも書く)の頃だ。大量の降雪はほぼ2月に半ばには治まって、それ以降は、次第に雪が降っても春の香りがする淡い降雪になってくる。そして、晴れて太陽の陽が差せば、雪解けは急速に進む。空は雪が蒸発することから生じる濃い靄、霞みで晴れても薄青い。では、地はどうかというと、雪解の頃は、それが進むにつれ、見た目に決して美しいとはいえない。白い雪は、土と混じりあい、雪塊は土に汚されたような景観を呈する。が、春の匂いはする。ほのぼのとした温かいものが嗅覚から伝わってくる。3月の温かい陽と地からの土の混じったものだ。



I stand up and reflect
myself in the mirror
of the muddy water
from the melting snow



   In English

       I choose most of the tanka pieces on the Akita International Haiku Network's tanka page from the tanka I wrote the month before publication. This time, the previous month was March. March is not yet the season of flowers in our region Akita, covered with snow in winter, but the time of snow melting. The heavy snowfalls subside till the middle of February; after that, the snowfall becomes lighter and lighter, with the scent of spring. And when the sun shines, snow melts rapidly. The sky is pale blue even if the weather is sunny because of the thick haze and haze caused by the evaporation of snow. The ground, then, is not as beautiful to look at as it is when the snow melts. The white snow mixes with the soil and the clumps of snow look like scenery as if they were stained by soil. The smell of spring is therethe warmth of the March sun mixed with the soil from the ground.

     That day, it was already April. Snow already melted, and I wanted to compose tanka on flowers, not the potted flowers inside, but the flowers outside on the path. Unfortunately, no matter where I looked, there were no flowers in bloom. Not even the weed flowers. Then, when I looked around there, I saw the rice fields; the snow had melted all at once and mixed with the soil to form a big puddle of mud. Suddenly a feeling came over me that I should try to write a poem about this as it was.

I stand up and reflect
myself in the mirror
of the muddy water
from the melting snow

 (C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳




Trial Lesson for Tanka

