
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tom H. 讲师的专栏

My Slightly Unique Hobby - Listening To Podcasts While Walking

周间主题: My slightly unique hobbies


One of my favourite hobbies is listening to podcasts while going for a walk in the park. It's probably not that unique at all but it has been a hobby of mine so I will talk about it.

Why do I enjoy listening to podcasts while taking a walk in the park? The answer is actually more complicated than you might think. Because it combines three things: podcasts, walking and parks. These are the three things I like so when you combine all of them the whole experience becomes really enjoyable. I would describe it as 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts'.


I like listening to podcats because there are so many genres to choose from. The podcast universe is huge. It's a massive resource of knowledge and entertainment. From business to health, basically whatever topic you can think of you will find it. Of course some are better than others so you'd probably need to try a few first before subscribing to a show. But I find the good ones to be really informative. Most of the podcasts are in English and English speakers will get the widest range of genres (all the more reason to learn English!). 


I am a big fan of walking. It's a great exercise and it's also easy on the knees. It also cost nothing and very easy to do. I can walk for up to an hour (sometimes longer) at a time and I always feel refreshed after a long walk. One of the benefits of walking is that it's one of the few  exercises that allows you room in your head so you can think. I find it hard to think when it comes to other exercises and sports, for example, running. Of course, one can argue that the whole point of exercising is to not think so that you can fully relax. That's absolutely true so I have no issues with that. But I like that fact that I can listen to podcasts while moving my body at the same time.


I like parks. They are great for city dwellers like me when it's not practical to travel to the beach or mountains. For city people, parks are the closest thing to nature. They are usually quiet so it's great to listen to podcasts while enjoying your walk. Normally people walk their dogs in parks so for dog lovers they are great. If you are lucky, sometimes you also see other interesting animals too. 

By combining the three things into one, now I kind of feel my hobby is pretty unique :)

What do you think? Do you have any unique hobbies?
