
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tom H. 講師的專欄

3 Recommended Ways Of Relaxing

每週主題: My Way of Relaxing


What do you do to relax?

We all have busy lifestyles. Sometimes it's a good idea to just drop everything and do nothing. It feels good and it's necessary. But what is the best way to relax? There are probably hundreds of ways people relax and I don't think there is a best way. Everyone has their preferences.

But what I can say is, whatever you do, there is probably one thing in common when it comes to different ways of relaxing. It is a state of no thought. It's basically a state in which we forget about the things we do, we are not paying attention to our thoughts. I think this is a good state to be in and it relaxes our mind.

There are 3 ways to relax that I think are particularly useful. You can just pick one or you can do all of them depending on your preferences.

Unplug From Technology

This means turning off your TV, switching off your computer, switching off your phone, not checking your social media, etc. Most of us are too preoccupied with electronic computers and gadgets. It makes sense to unplug ourselves from all these things. It's probably best to surround yourself in nature as nature has great healing power. I think any outdoor activity is good, I personally like to go for a walk in the park.

Do Something You Enjoy

This might be easier for some people than the previous one because you don't need to unplug from technology. This can include binge watching Netflix, shopping (or window shopping), eating the food you love, playing games and reading your favourite books, etc. Basically just do whatever makes you happy. While I don't think binge watching TV drama is necessarily a good idea, doing what makes us happy is very important when we are feeling a bit stressed or down. The key here is to change our mood.


This may be a little advanced for some people but in my opinion it's also one of the easiest ways to relax. The reason is because you could do it right now. There are many different ways to meditate but the simplest way is just to sit with your eyes closed and observe your breath. It can be as short as 5mins. As you practice more you will get better at it. These days meditation is becoming very popular and there are many useful apps that can assist you. These are the apps I use and I recommend you check them out if you are interested. These are: Insight Timer, Calm and Headspace. You can download them on your phone and you will find lots of useful free resources as well as paid content.

It is extremely important to develop ways to relax so that we can go further. Whether it's for work or studies or working towards our goals.

What is your favourite way to relax?
