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2016 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)

July-December 2016 Cafetalk Special Event

Thanks for choosing Cafetalk for your lessons needs,
and taking so many lessons during the first half of 2016.

To mark this season we'll be announcing
the "2016 Autumn/Winter Awesome Lesson Awards"
for lessons with the greatest number of endorsements from students!

The winner will be determined partially by student vote,
so if you have a lesson you like to recommend please let everyone know!

☆New this year:
Out of all eager voters we will draw 10 winners who will each receive a 1000 point present to use for any lesson of their choice!
So go ahead, make our servers burn and cast your vote!
* Each vote you cast equals one entry into the draw. The more you vote, the higher your chance to win a ticket!
* The winners will receive an extra 1000 points on top of their existing points. The point expiration date will not change after the new points have been added.

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page.
Please let us know what you think about your favorite lessons and Tutors!

Período: dic.2(Vie)~15(Jue)

Students' Voice

  • Advanced English conversation by Lisa.K

    いつも熱心にご指導いただいています。 英語のちょっとしたニュアンスを日本語で知ることができるので、 本当に勉強になっています。

  • 實用視聽華語 1- 5

    I lover her lesson.She gives me encouragement always. Thank you always!

  • 日本人作家の本を韓国語で読もう!(50分)※中級以上


  • Facial Yoga


  • Quick Response English Challenge *Detailed Skype Notes*

    こんなにリラックスして、楽しく受けられるレッスンはありません! Eby先生の素敵な笑顔と落ち着いた話し方で、緊張せず、自然に英語が口から出てきます。 単語が出てこなくても、チャット欄に私が言いたいことをズバリ書いてくださるので、いつもびっくりしています。ネイティブの発音の仕方やイントネーション等、わかりやすく説明してくださるので、だんだんネイティブらしく話せるようになってきたように思います。 いつもレッスンが待ち遠しいです。皆様におすすめしたい本当に素敵な先生です!

  • Express yourself in English 25 min (For kids who are over elementary first grade)


  • 2016-12-19
  • Learn English grammar with gut feeling 25 min (For kids who are over elementary first grade)

    娘が答えに詰まっているときは、さりげなくヒントを出して、ちゃんと答えられたという自信を持たせてくださいます。 レッスンも分かりやすく、先生に習うようになって英語が随分上達しました。

  • 韓国語 文法 初級 50分(独自教材)



Award Details

Cast your vote for a lesson you took
during the first half of 2016 which you think is worthy of the award.

Winner Announcement

Dec 20, 2016 (Planned)

Selection Method

The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed and feedback.

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