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Spring 2015! New Lifestyle☆Start on Cafetalk! Point Rebate Campaign

Campaign Period: March 20th 2015 (Fri) - April 3rd 2015 (Fri)

Join this Campaign and take 2 lessons or more, you can get points!!

If you use Cafetalk Vouchers, trial lessons or any coupons, it will not be counted as one lesson.

2 Lessons 500 punti ottenuti
3 Lessons 1,000 punti ottenuti
4 Lessons 1,500 punti ottenuti
5 Lessons and more 2,000 punti ottenuti

Join this campaign with login

Modalità d'iscrizione

Dettagli della promozione

Click "Join this Campaign!!"*

Before join this campaign, you need to register cafetalk.com and login.

Take lessons

Compete at least 2 lessons from "Qualified lessons list for the campaign" *2

Get points!

The amount of point will be higher by the number of completed lessons which you take.

We will give points back in order by April 6th, 2015 (Mon)

*1 Once you join the campaign, we will go back to the campaign starting date and count those qualified lessons you've taken before you click and join. All you have to do is to click "Login and join the campaign"

*2 Lessons taken using Cafetalk Voucher or trial lessons (free or non-free) are excluded from the rebate campaign.

*3 Per la promozione si fa riferimento all'orario giapponese (+7 ore rispetto l’Italia)

☆★ List of lessons on this campaign ★☆

■ Lessons for Kids

For kids to middle school and high school students! Not only do we have English lessons, but we also offer final exam/center exam prep courses and music lessons☆

30 Mins
1,700 Punti
海外在住のお子さんのための30分コースです。 対象年齢7歳~13歳 お子様のレベルや理解度に合わ...
50 Mins
2,000 Punti
The SAT is difficult, but it is not impossible. B...
30 Mins
1,400 Punti
I will use pictures, books and objects so that yo...
25 Mins
800 Punti
25 Mins
1,200 Punti
まったく、ドイツ語は、わかららないけど、興味がある、、、 ドイツ語圏へ旅行に行く予定があり、少し...
30 Mins
1,400 Punti
This lesson is designed for primary school studen...
25 Mins
1,500 Punti
50 Mins
2,500 Punti
50 Mins
2,500 Punti
1,2,3の3つ数字を使ってできる三桁の数はいくつありますか? 123,132,213,231,...
25 Mins
1,600 Punti
For children who are just getting started with pi...
90 Mins
2,700 Punti
Hello♬ The Center Exams are coming around soon, ...
50 Mins
1,600 Punti
Entrance exam English is hard! You have to worry ...
40 Mins
1,700 Punti
30 Mins
1,500 Punti
50 Mins
5,000 Punti
大学を化学で受験する人にとって、まずセンター化学を完璧にこなすことが必須です。 完全理解を目指し...
50 Mins
1,600 Punti
25 Mins
800 Punti
40 Mins
3,000 Punti
25 Mins
1,400 Punti
Start with the ABC’s and learn vocabulary a...
25 Mins
1,500 Punti
*I do not provide feedback for this lesson (inclu...
25 Mins
1,500 Punti
“What song should I play next?” “I want to be abl...
50 Mins
1,500 Punti
40 Mins
1,300 Punti
25 Mins
1,500 Punti
*I do not provide feedback for this lesson (inclu...
25 Mins
1,000 Punti
Learn in happiness. ***楽しい授業***
30 Mins
2,000 Punti
25 Mins
1,800 Punti
It's great to start learning English while you're...
25 Mins
1,000 Punti

■ General Lessons

Personal grooming for adults! Start this spring fresh with by honing your makeup or organizational skills.

30 Mins
1,200 Punti
HELLO! こんにちはWant to learn how to have a basi...
40 Mins
1,400 Punti
囲碁のレッスンを初心者、初級者向けに40分間行います。 40分レッスンの一回目だけはクーポンで3...
30 Mins
1,500 Punti
 こんにちは オンラインヨガ講師 keiichiです  目のケアを中心にしたヨガ講座の...
50 Mins
1,600 Punti
50 Mins
5,000 Punti
「どこから片付けたらいいか、分からない」 「ちょっと知恵を借りたい」 「家族と片付け方のやり方...
50 Mins
2,800 Punti
*I do not provide feedback for this lesson (inclu...
50 Mins
2,600 Punti
*I do not provide feedback for this lesson (inclu...
25 Mins
600 Punti
50 Mins
1,800 Punti
If you've never tried shogi before, but want to ...
50 Mins
2,000 Punti
チェスは初めてだけどやってみよう!という人へ向けてのコースです。駒の名前 から細かいルールまで...
30 Mins
1,500 Punti
 こんにちは、オンラインヨガ講師 keiichiです お腹引き締めヨガ講座のご案内です。...
50 Mins
2,500 Punti
Essere in grado di descrivere qualcosa è m...
30 Mins
1,500 Punti
自然に優しい重曹とクエン酸を使えば、普段のお掃除が今よりもずっと楽(ラク)に変わります! 最近耳...
30 Mins
1,800 Punti
In this lesson I will give some tips and key word...
60 Mins
5,000 Punti
25 Mins
1,500 Punti
25 Mins
800 Punti
Bonjour tout le monde! Moi, c'est Essia! Et cett...
20 Mins
800 Punti
わんこのしつけできていますか? スカイプのビデオ通話を使っておうちのワンちゃんと一緒にしつけの勉...
50 Mins
3,000 Punti
Come learn the basics of Crochet! I will teach yo...
20 Mins
1,500 Punti
Makeup for the workplace can be confusing.Do you...
40 Mins
2,700 Punti
For people who want to learn all about makeup bu...
0 Mins
900 Punti
文字を美しく書きたい方 普段の文字からきれいに書けるようになりたい方 自分のくせ字を見直し...
30 Mins
2,000 Punti
☆☆☆Welcome! ☆☆☆Welcome to the Speaking Voi...
50 Mins
1,800 Punti
 教育資金に住宅ローン、生命保険、老後の資金など、お金にまつわる悩みはつきません。  また、アベ...
25 Mins
900 Punti
30 Mins
1,500 Punti
If you would like to improve your conversational ...
50 Mins
1,800 Punti
30 Mins
1,800 Punti
I will create a lesson filled with stretches tail...
40 Mins
1,500 Punti

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