Quasi primavera! Promozione Cafetalk point back!
Korean Lesson Pointback Campaign
〜Now's the chance to learn Korean for beginner and intermediate students!〜
Quasi primavera! Promozione Cafetalk point back!
〜Now's the chance to learn Korean for beginner and intermediate students!〜
Modalità d'iscrizione
Dettagli della promozione
Click "Join this Campaign!!"*
Before join this campaign, you need to register cafetalk.com and login.
Take lessons
Effettuare più di 2 lezioni riservate alla promozione entro la data indicata (ven feb 2013 - dom 10 mar 2013) **
Get points!
The amount of point will be higher by the number of completed lessons which you take.
You'll receive points until mar 12 mar 2013.
If you take a lesson which we listed before you join this campaign during this period, you can also get points.
If you use Cafetalk Vouchers, trial lessons or any coupons, it will not be counted as one lesson.
*3 Per la promozione si fa riferimento all'orario giapponese (+7 ore rispetto l’Italia)
今から学ぼうハングルを! | ||
50 minutes | 1,800Points | yuni |
始めの第一歩から、目標達成まで一緒にチャレンジしませんか?^^ |
日本人向け、韓国語生活会話 | ||
30 minutes | 1,500Points | Lany |
生活会話が中心! アクティブな会話を楽しみましょう! |
◆ livello Intermedio - avanzato
사진을 보고 말해요. | ||
25 minutes | 1,000Points | maimama |
写真を見て韓国語で話す練習をしてみましょう。 |
韓国語ストーリーテーリング! | ||
60 minutes | 1,800Points | yuni |
絵本や題材をつかって、韓国語でお話作りをしませんか? |
たのしい韓国語フリートーキング | ||
50 minutes | 1000Points | mooee |
韓国語を楽しく話す練習をしましょう♪( ´▽`) |
fun! fun! 韓国語 | ||
50 minutes | 1,500Points | jjun |
文章さえ上手く作れたら、話すことなんて簡単! |
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