© Luis Hernandez, Luz Adriana Villa
Always dreamed of being a songwriter?
Whether you've already started and want some guidance or you're a complete amateur who has always admired songwriters, you can create your own original piece of work with the help of a professional composer.
Professional musicians on Cafetalk are ready to help you shine!
Songwriting Lesson Scene
More than just languages! Choose from a variety of categories
including art and music. Broaden your horizons!
Feedback from students
I am a complete beginner to composing (to the point where I couldn't even imagine myself doing it), but I love writing and I thought it would be nice to turn some of my pieces into songs, which is why I requested this trial lesson. During the lesson, ○○ Sensei improvised a song using my writing! Although it was just for a tiny bit, I was so amazed at how my writing transformed into music. It made me feel as though maybe I start from the simple parts and try my hand at songwriting...Even though I don't have any experience with music, he inspired me to give songwriting a try. If you're interested, even if you're a complete beginner, don't be scared and try this class at least once.
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noriyoshi funabashi
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Remi Inari
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Top images are a derivative of "handwriting" by Luz Adriana Villa, "untitled", "Sense Sal Promo 2010" by Luis Hernandez used under CC BY 2.0.