Un tocco di stile alla tua vita.

			Cafetalk's First Live Stream Lesson. Tutor Hirohito explains all about Sherlock's script. For beginner through advanced levels


Learn real British English that you won't find in a textbook through a live transmission+video recording! Recommended for fans who want to learn more about Sherlock's wise sayings!

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  • No Skype In this lesson, you will be using Ustream to watch videos instead of Skype.
  • From beginner to expert It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an expert, these lessons are open to everybody.
  • Ustream and Video Recording Even if you can't watch in real time, you can watch a video recording! Plus, you can study by watching the video over and over again. During the Ustream transmission, Tutor Hirohito can also answer any questions you have in the chatbox.
  • Going Live 4 Times a Month Please attend the lesson by accessing the stream on the scheduled date. The transmission will be about 1 hour and 50 minutes long. I will notify you of the schedule each month.
  • Full Report You will receive full report that includes the script and detailed explanations on the grammar points. This file will come after every lesson and it will help you study efficiently.
  • Beautiful British English Not only will you pick up "Sherlockian," but you will also learn real British English phrases that you wouldn't be able to find in textbooks.
  • There's no need to watch the DVD beforehand, but WARNING! You will definitely want to watch/rewatch the show!
Request a Lesson


See the video highlights! There's also a video explaning the outline of live lessons. Take a peek at Hirohito's English lessons!


Words are the harmony of sound and meaning. Welcome to the wonderland of words.
This is the world where you can be creative and combine your voice (pronunciation) and your heart (meaning).

  • Pick up creative new English words!
  • Brush up on your pronunciation and expressions and earn the respect of cultured English speakers from all over the world.
  • This tutor is recommended for students who want to study English seriously.

so that they have fun using it and enjoy life.

Tutor profile Hirohito


Making a Reservation

One reservation is good for one month (4 lessons).

Cancellations and refunds are not available after finishing the first lesson.

If you make a reservation in the middle of the month, you will receive recordings of the completed lessons.

Back numbered lessons are the same. These lesson is only avaible in one month/4 lesson units and only available in recorded form.

Request a Lesson

Reservations Made At the Beginning of the Month

  • Please make a reservation for the first lesson.
  • As written above, the lesson fee will be 6,400 points.
  • The tutor will send you 100% off coupons, so please use these to attend the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lessons. Please reserve according to the scheduled times.

Reservations Made At the Middle of the Month

  • Please send your soonest available times when making a request.
  • After confirmation, you will receive URL's of that months completed recordings. It will cost 6,400 points.
  • The tutor will send you 100% off coupons for the remaining lessons, so please use those and be sure to make requests that match the rest of the scheduled broadcasts.

How to Take These Lessons

Please access the given URL at the scheduled time. After the broadcast, all viewers will receive a URL to a recording of the broadcast. This recording is intended for review or for students who couldn't watch the broadcast in real time.

Recommended Environment

Please make sure your surroundings are fit for watching a lesson.
We recommend taking this lesson on your computer.
→ pc → Smartphone

Lesson Broadcast Schedule

Please look out for General Notices from the tutor.

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Come funziona Cafetalk?

Abbiamo preparato appositamente il video introduttivo per i nuovi membri di Cafetalk il quale ti spiega tutto dalla A alla Z!

Guida introduttiva

L'occorrente per le lezioni online.

  • Un computer o uno smartphone che possono collegare ad internet*
  • Le cuffie con microfono**
  • Una webcam per le videochiamate.

※ Il tuo terminale deve essere compatibile con Skype.

※ Se il microfono ed la webcam sono incorporati nel tuo computer, non hai bisogno di comprarli.

Cos'è Skype?

Skype è un software gratuito che consente di effettuare sia chiamate che videochiamate in qualsiasi paese del mondo ed è ideale per seguire le lezioni online nonostante i tutor si trovano nel loro paese non senti la distanza. Parli gratis con altri utenti Skype.

Scarica gratis Guida all'utilizzo di Skype
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