Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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MichelleRM Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Michelle, would you like to give us a quick self-introduction?

A. Hello! So I’m Michelle. I am a Health Promoter with a MSc Applied Public Health. Although I live and work in London, I am originally from San Diego, California, and spend my summers working running a health promotion program in rural Eastern Germany. Although my main academic and professional focus is health/medicine centered, I enjoy learning about almost any topic. I spend my free time reading any book I can find, cooking, and watching TV shows and movies. My current personal goal is to learn German!

Q.I heard you had lived in several countries. Do you have any interesting episode which you want to share with us?

A.There are so many moments to choose from! I think the most memorable part of my stay in Copenhagen was realizing just how travel friendly Europe is. One day, I had classes until late afternoon. I hurried from class to the airport, and was able to be in Hamburg, Germany within 3 hours for a football/soccer game between Germany and the Netherlands! I love being part of a world that is so connected to itself and to the rest of the world (I recently was able to have a weekend getaway to Marrakesh – definitely not something I’m used to!). Travel is incredible in what it can teach us, and how it can become a part of us – I’m always hoping to do more!

Q. How do you spend your days off? Is there anything you are into right now?

A.I spend most of my days off cooking, spending time with loved ones, reading, watching TV shows and movies, or planning my wedding (next year). I have two silly but fun hobbies which I indulge in to relax – paddle ball (beach ball in German), and Magic the Gathering. I also have developed a taste for watching horribly made movies just for fun.

Q.According to your profile, you have a great teaching experience! What motivated you to start teaching?

A. I actually came into teaching by accident! I was working for UCSD Moores Cancer Center and was helping to run a summer program which included daily classes and talks. The person originally in charge of the classes moved to another job just before the program started. On the first day, I took over for lack of another option, and found that I loved it! After teaching the rest of the summer, I shifted to private tutoring, and haven’t stopped since.

Q. What are some of the main focus points of your lessons?

A. I always try to encourage my students just to try! You can be the perfect student and learn all the lessons, but not be good at a language or at cooking something simply because life is about doing. What I’ve learned from my students, my acquaintances, and from my own struggles with learning German and before then Spanish is that no one minds if you make a mistake – everyone is simply proud of you trying! It’s only by making mistakes and learning from them that any progress can be made, and if people don’t mind, why should you?

I try to center my lessons on styles and topics which my students are familiar and comfortable with, hoping that this will make them more likely to open up and engage. Each lesson is a bit different because each person is a bit different. Ultimately, most of what matters is practice!

Q. What do you think is the best way for continuing studying languages?

A. Immerse yourself in the language. Check to see if there are any language practice groups in the area where you live. Watch movies or TV shows in your desired language – it’s ok to use subtitles as training wheels, eventually you’ll move past it! Talk to people and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are ok, and you’ll learn more from trying and making mistakes than from not trying at all.

Q. Please leave a message to Cafetalk students!

A. love teaching, I love meeting new people, and I love to learn from my students. I hope to meet you soon and help you achieve your goals while you help me learn and achieve mine!


