Prezado aluno,Se você quiser saber qual é o seu nível de português pode fazer o teste que está no link abaixo:
------------------------------- Lesson: Female brazilian writers Price: 1900 Points Length: 45 Trial Minutes: URL: ------------------------------- ==...
New Lesson! Let's learn History of Brazil------------------------------- Lesson: History of Brazil Price: 1700 Points Length: 40 Trial Minutes: URL:
Let's learn Bossa Nova and Carnival songs from women sings. ============================ Coupon Name: The International Women's Day Campaign Code: 0cfd968c Discount Rate: 5% For Lesson: Female B...
============================ Coupon Name: alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: c15f0bfe Discount Rate: 90% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conducted between: Feb 19, 2021 ~ Feb 2...
Em 2021 não vamos ter carnaval no Brasil. Que tal aproveitar esse tempo para fazer uma aula extra com 30% desconto. De 14 a 17 de fevereiro disponibilizei horário extra para aulas. Apro...
------------------------------- Lesson: Business Portuguese Course Price: 2100 Points Length: 40 Trial Minutes: 30 URL: ------------------------------...
Vamos melhorar a pronúncia em português?------------------------------- Lesson: The Sounds of Brazil Price: 1700 Points Length: 25 Trial Minutes: 10 URL:
Vamos aprender um pouco mais sobre a cultura brasileira?-------------------------------Lesson: Brazilian Culture and SocietyPrice: 1900 PointsLength: 40Trial Minutes: 20URL:
============================ Coupon Name: alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: d0214978 Discount Rate: 70% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conducted between: Feb 5, 2021 ~ Feb 7,...
============================ Coupon Name: Alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: e1361b1a Discount Rate: 70% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 22, 2021 ~ Jan 2...
Let's start to learn Portuguese!============================ Coupon Name: alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: 13bb08da Discount Rate: 90% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conduct...
Let's learn Portuguese!============================ Coupon Name: alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: 21ac1431 Discount Rate: 90% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conducted betwee...
============================ Coupon Name: alunos novos (New Students Only) Code: 5025de15 Discount Rate: 90% For Lesson: Portuguese basic Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 8, 2021 ~ Jan 10...
============================ Coupon Name: Español Code: 8850ea12 Discount Rate: 80% For Lesson: conversation lessons in Spanish Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 8, 2021 ~ Jan 10, 2...
Let's learn about Brazilian cuisine! -------------------------------Lesson: Brazilian Cuisine - Cozinha BrasileiraPrice: 2100 PointsLength: 40Trial Minutes: 20URL:
Coupons para todos os alunos. Feliz Natal============================ Coupon Name: Fonética Code: 9a1f7c06 Discount Rate: 50% For Lesson: The Sounds of Brazil Effective for lessons conducted ...
This lesson is a virtual trip to Brazil.Esta aula é uma viagem virtual ao Brasil.============================ Coupon Name: Brasil Code: a0175931 Discount Rate: 50% For Lesson: Planning your tr...
Este ano que passou trouxe lições e desafios, mas também serviu para nos lembrar que precisamos dar valor para aquilo que há de mais precioso: aqueles que amamos. Neste Na...
============================ Coupon Name: Español Code: 26a9c63a Discount Rate: 60% For Lesson: conversation lessons in Spanish Effective for lessons conducted between: Dec 19, 2020 ~ Jan 3, 2...