- 网络连接 ①
- 语音耳机 ②
- 网络摄像头(推荐使用)
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
I'm looking for a teacher who give me chance to talking a lot. question a lot and check my mistakes.
I met some good teachers. they were great
, but many teachers talked a lot then me.
I want to practice speaking:( not hearing...
I really want it and I like British English!
It is easy to understand !:)
I'm looking for a teacher who give me chance to talking a lot. question a lot and check my mistakes.
I met some good teachers. they were great
, but many teachers talked a lot then me.
I want to practice speaking:( not hearing...
I really want it and I like British English!
It is easy to understand !:)
I'm looking for a teacher who give me chance to talking a lot. question a lot and check my mistakes.
I met some good teachers. they were great
, but many teachers talked a lot then me.
I want to practice speaking:( not hearing...
I really want it and I like British English!
It is easy to understand !:)
회화위주, 과제, 빠른기간내에 초보자에게 추천
중급자에게 추천
프로의식이 강함
가벼운 마음으로 수강 가능
제대로 공부하고 싶은분에게 추천
교재가 충실함
내용이 충실함
중년분들에게 추천
어린이에게 추천
레슨 완료 후 친절한 추가 설명
말하기 쉬움
정중하게 대응
열의가 느껴짐
레벨에 맞추어 레슨 진행
일본어로 설명 가능
영어로 설명 가능
BURATSか 英検の1級に合格するまで指導する先生を公募します。
I've memorized the Hiragana and Katakana vocabulary. I've studied the 2200 Heisig Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, and memorized their individual meanings (but not the strokes or the readings).
I've been using the Michel Thomas audio courses for language so I understand some very basic grammar but I need to learn more grammar.
My vocabulary is very tiny, so I'd like to increase that.
To summarize, I need to work on basic grammar and vocabulary, in terms of reading and speaking. I really like the way the Michel Thomas audio courses are laid out, where the teacher moves from simple grammar patterns to complex ones by combining what has been taught before.
스페인어를 공부하고 있는 대학생입니다. 오래 공부했는데 자꾸 중간에 포기해서 성과는 크지 않아요. 체계적으로 공부해서 델레 B2까지는 따고 싶습니다. 내년에 스페인에 가기로 예정되어있어요.
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
I want to learn English through making summary of current news/topics. Lessons without Skype are preferable.