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① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
今年の4月に小学1年生になる娘がいます。2歳半からAll Englishの教材で英語教育を始め、入園してからは週一回カナダ人に英会話を教えてもらっています。
I am looking for the lesson using text book.
I am looking forward to meeting wonderful lessons.
textbook: interchange, touch stone etc
point: ~2000 (30min~60min)
I would like to speak fluently but now I can't speak well what I want to say.
I would like to know the image, feeling and rhythm of native speaker and some useful expressions.
I'm interested in the following.
(1)phonics, pronunciation- rhythm, sound
(2)useful polite expression
(3)text book-side by side
(4)I would like to know the image of word and idioms.
For example...[get] get in ,get off, get out ....
and so on .
My wish is roughly like this but the arrangement depends on you.
Could you arrange my lesson? (I'm sorry but I don't want to use web camera. )
I look forward to take your original arrangement.
I'm preparing for a certain examination to be held in London next June, and I need to improve my (i) Interview skill (I'll be an interviewer) and (ii) advocacy skill (like presentation skill). Preferably, I look for a teacher from UK because I'm not good at catching British accent.
Lesson Style: In the lesson for the interview skill, I will send you a teacher a 2 -3 pages scenario which contains information about interviewee's details and what kind of advice that an interviewee wants to have from me. It will take 25 minutes. I want a feedback from a teacher about my interview and advice on how to improve it. I assume that lesson would be 40-50 minutes. In the lesson for advocacy, I will make a 15 minutes presentation to a teacher, and I want an feedback about my presentation. I assume this lesson would take 25-30 minutes.
Lesson Time: Weeskday: 8:00 - 9:00 (JPN time), Weekend: TBD
但因為文法不好 所以無法溝通也無法很明確地了解意思
所以開始自學日文 使用標準日本語已經學到初級上冊20課
且除了講解文法之外 可以練習造句並且糾正發音
因喜歡日本J家偶像/動畫 所以若有共同話題我會很開心 未來也可以以相關的雜誌小說當作學習教材(非必要要求)
因為是上班族 所以希望上課時間在平日晚上或者假日下午或晚上
I do not know how I can tell you my request.
But I date to write my message in English to let you know my English level.
I know most important things is to take a lot of chances to speak.
So I'd like to meet nice teacher who have a lot of topics which I have to explain.
I love music, especially Beyonce, GAGA, and Taylor Swift. I also love to watch the movies.
Through English lesson, I'd like to be a person who understand movies without subtitling.
Keywords; MUSIC, BEYONCE, Video Games, Travel, LA, RAMEN
* I have been to San Francisco for a year.
side by side 2 を持っているので、そのテキストを使ったレッスンを受けたいと思っています。口語文を中心に、文法、スピーキング、リスニングを行いたいです。10月に海外の人と話をする機会があるので、簡単な日常会話を話せるようにしたいと思います。
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
Hi I am looking for a teacher who is able to help me with my pronunciation training. Those who are America should be better.
In more details, I will send scripts and audio which i recoerd me reading the script. Please listen to the audio and then point out tha parts where my pronunciation is weak or unclear by highlighting with 2 different collor. One is that my pronunciation is so bad that listner may minunderstand me, the other is there are minor mistakes that would not lead to misunderstanding.
Additional comments will also work such as S sound is so weak that I hardly hear it.
This course will be done off line and you can do it at your convenience.
If there is anyone who is interrested in this style, please give me the rate (yen per 10minutes audio) you prefer.