- 网络连接 ①
- 语音耳机 ②
- 网络摄像头(推荐使用)
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
Hi! I’m looking for the Chinese lessons focusing on the pronunciation. I’ve just started learning Chinese and feel it’s tough to master the pronunciation by myself. I can’t communicate in Chinese yet, so teaching me that with Japanese or English is much appreciated. I used to live in London for 5 years and my most recent TOEIC score is 935.
Thanks in advance
I am looking for a teacher who are familiar with military terms.
I love to read articles from Military Times and SNS posts posted by US armed forces.
I love to listen to AFN too.
But I sometimes bump into the terms I have no clues.
For example, earn one’s dolphin. I can guess the meaning but not sure.
I also want to know the issues behind the news.
So will someone help me?
I am looking for a teacher who helps me with dictating lyrics of songs or who picks up the words of songs for me.
I have some songs that I want to know their lyrics. One song is country music, I already asked two American friends but the song was tough for them and they gave up. Those songs are about construction and farm machines. They are not popular so I can’t find lyrics on internet.
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
周末: 12点00分 ~ 18点00分 (Asia/Tokyo)