- 網路連線 ①
- 耳機麥克風 ②
- 網路攝影機(推薦)
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
回 数 :1~2レッスン/週
時 間 :25~50分/1レッスン
パック :一定時間または一定回数のパックのご提示があれば利用いたします。(必須ではありません)
初 回 :現在の英語力の確認、お互いが楽しめるかを確認していただきたいです。
教 材 :希望なし。相談の上、必要と思えば提案された教材を購入することも検討します。
その他 :復習のため、すべてのレッスンの録画を許可していただける方。(個人での利用のみ)
*by Deep L translator.*
I would like to learn English with the goal of working in North America (USA or Canada) in 3 years.
I am assuming that I will continue for 1-3 years.
Therefore, I would like to do this with someone who we can have fun each other.
Current English level: Beginner (self-assessment)
Requirements for the plan you would like to offer
Number of lessons: 1 to 2 lessons per week
Duration: 25-50 minutes per lesson
Pack : I will use a pack of a certain number of hours or a certain number of times if you offer one. (This is not required)
First lesson: I would like you to check my current English skills and see if we can enjoy each other.
Teaching materials: No preference. After consultation, I will consider purchasing the suggested materials if it is necessary.
Others :Please allow me to record all lessons for review purpose. (For personal use only)
Teaching Method
- You can give me lessons in English only.
- When there are difficult words or expressions for me to understand in English, please try to use illustrations or else.
- Homework may or may not be given, but the instructor should provide it when you feels it is necessary.
回 数 :1~2レッスン/週
時 間 :25~50分/1レッスン
パック :一定時間または一定回数のパックのご提示があれば利用いたします。(必須ではありません)
初 回 :現在の英語力の確認、お互いが楽しめるかを確認していただきたいです。
教 材 :希望なし。相談の上、必要と思えば提案された教材を購入することも検討します。
その他 :復習のため、すべてのレッスンの録画を許可していただける方。(個人での利用のみ)
I would like to learn Korean. I know nothing and have no experience in Korean I Just know some words from what I watch on K-dramas. But I would like to learn from the beginning. I don't have any materials so I would appreciate it if you could start me off with some materials and until I get use to it. I would like to learn on a regular schedule if possible. It would also be great if my tutor could speak some English to explain certain things to me in English.
Thank you. :)
Hello, I am looking for a tutor who can teach me Japanese Langauge. More specifically, I am going to give the JLPT exam next year, December 2022. And I want to learn N5 and N4 very strictly. I am looking for a tutor who can devote time on my language learning and can be a great help. I will continue to take lessons from that tutor the whole year. I am not sure how much time I will take to learn N5 or N4, but I would love the tutor to make this somewhat easy for me with the materials they use for studying.
About pricing, I can afford 1000 yen for a 1 hour of lesson. So please, tutors comfortable with this price contact me. I am looking for a tutor immediately. If possible I need a lesson today itself. I am looking forward for replies. Please!
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
I am looking for a Korean teacher:
1. can speak English/Chinese.
2. prepare material
About me:
1. I love watching K-drama and entertainment shows and so I hope to learn more Korean.
2. I passed TOPIK 2 long time ago, not sure about my level now.