- 網路連線 ①
- 耳機麥克風 ②
- 網路攝影機(推薦)
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Ryoko Naito from Japan.
I am afraid that this texts would be long, I am sorry in advance.
I would like to learn "British" English, and my goals are the following:
1. Being able to watch BBC Sherlock and Doctor Who without any subtitles
2. Being able to talk with the UK people ( and on the phone )
3. Being able to write a fantastic and polite fan letter to British actors
-> Being able to write exactly what I mean politely
I had taken a lesson on Cafetalk only once months ago.
However at the time I was not able to squeeze even one word.
Therefore, I thought I would be better to practise writing before listening to or speak British English.
I have been practising writing British English almost every day for 10 months.
I think my English has improved a bit, so I began to practise listening.
I listen to BBC learning English, and some CDs attached with British English text books.
I am able to understand BBC English(RP) a little bit, but I am not able to understand what the other ordinary people in the UK speak.
Then I happened to hear that being able to speak is a great effect on listening.
***** I wonder if I could take lessons like this: *****
I would like to practise listening and speaking daily, useful and short British English phrases.
I wonder if someone could record the voices which speak such phrases, both of slow version and fast( native ) version, and provide mp3 format for me.
I will import the voice files into my portable music player, and try to listen to and imitate the phrases with doing something.
I have no idea how much this costs, so could you let me know how much it costs as well, please?
Thank you for reading this long texts.
Best regards,
Ryoko Naito
I had this lesson before in a different school. Students speak about a topic for 3 minutes off the cuff. The teacher listens to it, dictates it and corrects incorrect sentences into right sentences. After that, they discuss the grammar and make it into natural English. I really liked the lesson, but it was very expensive. Is there anyone who can teach a similar lesson?
In English or Japanese, either language will be ok. Please contact me if you can teach me Korean language from beginning. Reading, Pronunciation, typing with Korean input to make a sense. I will be my best to learn it seriously.
Hi I'm Yuko. i wanna study english, speaking and pronunciation.
im biginer and my english is poor.
i'm university student and study psycology.
but in the future i want to live in uk or australia so i wanna learn tehir englih.
i wanna get toeic 900 in 3 months from now.
can you help i?
Now I'm looking for English writing correction class. A topic is given by a teacher in advance. I write an essay according to the topic, and then, email it to the teacher. The teacher corrects it, then please send it back to me. No Skype lesson. Length of an essay may be 300-500 words.
Currently, I am a jobseeker. I would like to enter a foreign company so I am looking for a teacher who can give me some comments on my English application. Also, I would very welcome to have a free conversation or short discussion of various topics. Plus, anyone who has markteting or communication knowledge will be great, but not neccesary. Anytime will be available from Monday to Friday. I am a very deligent student, and very enjoying learning English. If you are interested in teaching me, feel free to contact me. Thank you.
2歳半~5歳位まで日本で保育園に行かせていた為、5歳でこちらに来た時は本当に日本語のうまい子でした。 サンフランシスコには全日制の日本人学校がないので現地の小学校に行かせています。 一生懸命私が日本語を忘れさすまいと日本語で話したり、読み書きをさせたりするのですが、英語で通じると思っているのと母親への甘えでなかなか日本語で話してくれず、あまり強制すると日本語嫌いになってしまうのではないかと怖くて圧せません。 乗りのいい子で、楽しい事が大好き。 日本人のお子さんに良く〝英会話に歌やゲームを取り込んで楽しくレッスン!″ のようなものを聞きますが、そんなもので日本語のレッスンをして頂ける先生は居ないでしょうか... できれば、日本のこのくらいの歳の子供を教えていた事のある先生とか、日本人の子の歳の子供がどんな事を学んでいるか等に精通のある方が居ればお世話になりたいと思います。 こちらの夏休みが長いので、今年から毎年夏に1~2ヶ月日本で小学校に行かせようと思っています。 その時にあまり分からない事だらけでは来年は行きたくないと言い出すのも怖いので、その準備を通年できればいいなと思っております。 こちらで、日本語補習校というのがあり、毎週土曜日5時間くらいで行かせているご両親も多いのですが、補習校に行っていたバイリンガルの知り合い等は口を揃えてすごく行きたくなかったと言うので、ブレーキになっています。
日本の童謡などうっすり覚えているかもしれませんが、日本語も、ものすごい勢いで忘れております。 歌大好きな明るい子です、よろしくお願い致します!
I wanto to take the grammer lesson.
but, I was busy at work.
I don't use skype lesson, I can send mails.
Can you teach English grammer by mails?
How many lessons do you teach it?
Thank you
Here is an example of what I want.
< skit >
Student : I would like us to compose a skit together.
Teacher : What do you mean by “a skit”?
S : A skit is a short conversation, or script, based on a scenario I came up with. I have already prepared some ideas on this sheet, so please take a look at it and ask me any questions you may have about it. Obviously, the skit should reflect natural conversational English.
T : Okay. How long should it be
S : It should be about ten sentences long, so about 4-5 lines per person.
T : Sounds good - anything else you,d like me to do?
S : Yes. I would like you to record yourself reading it aloud, so that I can review it and memorize it before my next lesson.
T : Anything else?
S : No. T: All right then, let,s start. Let me see your sheet...
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
"Medical Japanese"
I am working as a doctor in Australia. Many tourists come to my area, among them people from Japan. I sometimes see them as patients after accidents. I would like to become able to talk to them in Japanese when necessary.
Currently, my Japanese is only very basic (about JLPT level N4) so I would need to learn a lot from you!