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① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
I'm not sure if there are any on Cafetalk, but I would like to learn how to speak some Sichuanese(四川话)from a native Sichuanese speaker, preferably from Chengdu. I would like to learn phrases, and vocabulary, as well as the accent.
I would like the lesson 25 minute lesson conducted in simple Mandarin and Sichuanese.
French culture. Half hour only :). I really want to understand the different cultures and regions of France. Offered in French or English.
La culture française. Demi-heure seulement :). Je veux vraiment comprendre les différentes cultures et régions de France. En français ou en anglais c'est bien.
Hi! I'm a tutor here on Cafetalk and I'd like to learn French. I need help with:
1. Reviewing basic grammar. Grammar is very important to me, so I would really appreciate a tutor who can explain it clearly. I need grammar exercises and the rules explained to me. Without this step, I don't feel comfortable speaking.
2. It would really help me out if the tutor would type out correct sentences in the text box. For example, if I say something that is grammatically incorrect, or I have trouble saying something at all, please write the sentence with correct grammar and punctuation in the text box - I remember things best when I can visualize the words and sentence structure. =)
3. I can understand a lot of what you might say, but my output is horrible, so please bear with me if I answer you in English!
4. Finally, after we have reviewed some grammar rules, I'd like to practice conversation wherein we highlight those rules.
Sorry if my lesson request appears demanding, but I am very cognizant of how I learn best, and I hope that my list can help you plan a lesson for me.
I plan on starting lessons in the next week or two. Can someone help me? Thank you!!
일본의 조리전문학교로 유학을 가려고 합니다. 예비조리사로서 일본을 택한 이유는 제과부문이 탄탄해서인데요. 일본어를 배우는 것이 1차 목적이지만 일본의 디저트문화도 알고 싶습니다. 강사님이 음식에 대해 관심이 있으시다면 더 좋겠습니다. 요리과정을 일어로 뭐라 하는지도 배우고 싶으니까요. 디저트를 좋아하시는 분이라면 좋겠어요!
강의는 가능한한 회화위주로 해주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 지금 일본어학원에 다니며 기초를 쌓고 있지만... 말을 못꺼내고 주저하게 되네요. 유연한 대화가 하고싶습니다.
아침 8시 20분에서 9시 20분까지 가능하고,
저녁 10시에서 11시까지 가능합니다.
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。