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I would like to find a native English speaker as my tutor, and
I would like to improve my reading skill.
BBC or CNN News would be great, but I prefer to find a teacher who could read novels with me.
I would like to read "the Great Gatsby" first.
It would be great if you were interested in literature, too.
I want to read Japanese faster.
I study Japanese on my own. I'm using Genki 1. I'm on chapter 8 now. I use other sources. I live in Japan. I want to improve my reading ability. I've read some of the easy NHK articles.
I would like to be given something to read that doesn't have a lot of difficult words or kanji that's a bit interesting. Translation homework would be okay.
I want to be tested on Genki 1 (or similar material). I don't want any kind of free talk.
I want assignments like reading, tests, or writing. I would be okay with having to do homework and submit it. I really want feedback. I'm very grade oriented.
I think I'm around N5. I want to take the JLPT N4 next year. My main goal is to be able to read Japanese quickly.
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週末: 12點00分 ~ 18點00分 (Asia/Tokyo)