- 网络连接 ①
- 语音耳机 ②
- 网络摄像头(推荐使用)
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
My current level of japanese is basic (N5). I would like to take regular lessons once or twice a week. I really need a teacher with structured lesson plans that can guide me well to learn. Structured lesson plans is my main request.
I appreciate if you can use textbook (I have Minna no Nihongo, but I can buy another one if you think its better), and mix it with your own materials. My main focus is to be able to speak, but I wanna work on all qualities, including learning kanji.
I wanna keep it regular if I like the classes, because if I stop I know I can miss my motivation.
한국에 어학연수 다닌적이 있는데 귀국한지 오래 되다보니까 말하기 실력이 많이 떨어졌어요.
입에서 자연스럽게 한국어가 나올 수 있을 정도로 되고싶은데 혹시 그럴만한 수업이 있으시다면 알려주세요><
참고로 제가 한국어로 대화하면 말이 잘안하게 돼요ㅜㅜ말을 많이 해주시는 분이면 좋겠습니다ㅜㅜ
I will take the Canada English Proficiency test (CELPIP) in a month, and I would like to have a quick summary / tip for taking the test, mainly for speaking and writing.
My IELTS test result few years ago is as follows:
Listening 9
Reading 7.5
Writing 6
Speaking 6.5
Tips and skills are preferred.
Advanced grammar in use (Cambridge 緑) を日本語で指導されている先生はいらっしゃいますか?
イギリス英語とGrammar in use (青)が好きで緑も勉強してみたいと思うのですが、独学では難しくて進みません。
Je cherche des cours pour m'entraîner à interpréter de courtes phrases japonaises en français spontanément.
En utilisant le chat, vous présenterez une phrase japonaise et je la traduirai en français.
J'aimerais que vous écoutiez le français et que vous le corrigiez (y compris la prononciation) en français correct.
Mon niveau de français est B2, mais j’ai du mal à dire une chose simple en français.
Je pense que ce type de formation m’aidera à parler français naturellement.
① 録音時には、「ブーン」という音は全く聞こえません。録音したものを再生した際に、音が入り込んでいます。
② パソコン自体のスピーカーを使った場合と、Bluetooth接続した「soundcore」で録音した場合、
I am looking for long time lesson like a language school.I want to create an environment where I study English forcibly. I want to improve speaking skills especially.But Grammer and Reading lesson are also fine.
"The lesson package" is also fine.
I am glad to tell me about that.
Thank you.
Hello, is there anyone who can help me understand technical documents with specialized terminologies such as health insurance/medical benefit, investment and home purchase contract, ideally explanation in Japanese if you can do both languages, but if you can breakdown and explain in easier English, that'll be fine too.
I currently live in the U.S. so I prefer someone who's familiar with American medical system and finance/asset management. I'm particularly interested in learning these medical areas, dental and reproductive treatments.
I hope to find someone here!
Hello , I'd like to learn how to speak English.
I'm basic English level.
Sometimes I speak English at work and I want to write English lyrics.
Even though I only just use basic words or sentence, I want to try and learn.
◆About me:
*My tasks is about facility rental concert venue services.
*I like to listen to music and love reading book or poem.
*I lived in Japan for a year. I can speak basic Japanese.
*I write English lyrics and make songs.
◆About you:
*I hope you are kindly person because I afraid for serious teacher.
*don't mind when I can't write English well and tell me if I make a mistake.
*You like to listen to music or you can play any kind of instrument.
*You like reading or write something.
◆About Lesson:
①I will take your Conversation Lesson
*Life situation or business situation, talk about different culturel ...
anything we can check conversation title before beginning the next lesson.
*If you have conversation lesson list (easy to hard), these are also ok!
*teach me how to improve pronunciation.
②I will take your Proofreading Lesson
*I'll send you the document or the text. You will proofread and corrected.
*if I send the lyrics , I hope you don't care about grammar are all right or wrong, just check the lyrics meaning and basic grammar.
I will be grateful for any help you can provide.
Best regards.
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
周末: 6点00分 ~ 12点00分 (Asia/Tokyo)