一開始老師先確認我可以清楚地看到畫面和聽到聲音,並簡單的自我介紹之後,老師和我一起閱讀一篇有關於日本預計在關西國際機場引進Flying Taxis的新聞,老師會先帶我把文章內重要的單字一起看過一遍,再讓我練習將整篇新聞朗讀出來,最後針對內容做簡單的提問和討論,上課氣氛很輕鬆,老師也會一直鼓勵你多開口表達自己的意見,整體來說是很愉快的上課體驗♪
Glad to have a class with teacher Lindy. Actually I get nervous easily when speaking in English, but Lindy is quite patient and friendly listening to students. It was interesting and I enjoyed the class a lot, thank you Lindy!
一開始老師先確認我可以清楚地看到畫面和聽到聲音,並簡單的自我介紹之後,老師和我一起閱讀一篇有關於日本預計在關西國際機場引進Flying Taxis的新聞,老師會先帶我把文章內重要的單字一起看過一遍,再讓我練習將整篇新聞朗讀出來,最後針對內容做簡單的提問和討論,上課氣氛很輕鬆,老師也會一直鼓勵你多開口表達自己的意見,整體來說是很愉快的上課體驗♪
Glad to have a class with teacher Lindy. Actually I get nervous easily when speaking in English, but Lindy is quite patient and friendly listening to students. It was interesting and I enjoyed the class a lot, thank you Lindy!