大推Arturo 老師,客製教材很讚而且超有耐心,隨時保持笑容和鼓勵學生學習。
Learn Spanish by playing and ... -
並且說明不同國家地區的用法,很讚。Learn Spanish by playing and ... -
I asked some questions before the class so when the time's up, we couldn't finish the class on time.
However, the teacher wasn't rushed to finish the class but spending the extra 8 min. to finish the class and explain all the things thoroughly.
I really appreciate it.
He also taught me about the origin and history of a word and how come it turns into the way it is now, I find it very useful and interesting to remember the word.
He never makes you feel awkward when you don't know what to say or make any mistakes.
He is really a great teacher and always gives you a warm smile when teaching.
You can see he makes many effort in preparing the class and writing the feedbacks.Learn Spanish by playing and ...
很推薦Arturo 老師,會因應學生需求製作教材,且有問題可以直接私訊他,很快就會回覆,而且解釋的很詳細。