View: 509 | 2025年1月21日
女性のための楽しい英会話! 楽しみましょう!
新入生募集!女性のための楽しい英会話! 楽しみましょう!
View: 461 | 2025年1月20日
Happy 2025!!! I'm back!
Come and visit!!!
View: 619 | 2024年3月25日
Make Mini Sweet Potato Pies for the Spring Season!
Hi! How do YOU make memories? Springtime is here in Colorado! Which means blossoms as well as snow!...
View: 1353 | 2022年10月12日
Hi! It's been a Long Pandemic...Great to be back!
大変な時期でしたが、ここに戻ってきてとてもうれしいです! 新しい始まりを祝いましょう! ! This has been a difficult time but I am so happy...
View: 1212 | 2021年3月15日
国際女性月間! International Women's Month!
We changed it from ONE DAY to ONE MONTH! Let's celebrate and show our strength and our compassion f...
View: 1616 | 2019年11月6日
The Holidays are Coming! What do you know about Sweet Potato Pie?
Welcome to November! I'm glad you're here! In the USA, many families with chil...
View: 1610 | 2019年10月30日
From the Weekly Topic: The Most Difficult Thing about Living Abroad
I have lived and worked abroad twice in my lifetime, both times in Japan when I was young. This was...
View: 1402 | 2019年10月30日
26th Wedding Anniversary!
This month, we just celebrated our 26th Wedding Anniversary. :)
View: 1503 | 2019年7月26日
New Podcasts in English! Want one in Japanese?
Guess who is podcasting here in the USA! So, should I in Japanese, too? Let me know!
View: 1495 | 2019年7月1日
Meeting Mr. Honda for the 1st Time - Circa 1989.
Mr. Honda and his lovely wife were such amazing people! I was so proud to have been one of the firs...
View: 1505 | 2019年6月8日
Last Winter, I was a Spring Faerie for the Book Fair!
I LOVE books! And I LOVE Faeries! "Faeries"? Yes, "Faeries"! And "Fairies"!Know the diffe...
View: 1673 | 2019年6月6日
At my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Aoyama 1991!
懐かしい !!!This is me when I was still Miss Valentine at my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Ao...
View: 1447 | 2019年6月3日
A Little Bit of Japan in the USA!
Right before school ended, I was so happy to be able to share a few cultural items from Japan with ...
View: 1464 | 2019年6月3日
Last Day of School in the USA!
Hi Everyone!Summer has hit us here in Colorado! This was my last day in the classroom a week ago fo...