Origami Lesson Scene
Feedback from students
My elementary school aged son (who is bad at origami) and his cousin (who is good at origami) took this class together. When I first told the teacher about their age, he sent me pictures of what kind of things they would be making. Based on that, the kids also got a good idea of what they would be making. Also, they got so excited when he showed them a ninja that he made standing on his desk! He's very experienced with children. Even though kids these days aren't interested in anything but video games, they had a lot of fun during this 40 minute lesson!
Let's Enjoy "Origami" 楽しい折り紙 by Yasuyuki OtsukaWhy Cafetalk makes sense.
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Top images are a derivative of "_DSC0107" by sayo tsukiyama used under CC BY 2.0, "Charlie Choo Choo" by Gerwin Sturm used under CC BY-SA 2.0.